First Green President’s climate envoy Todd Stern: Hey, you know what’s a good idea? Abandoning the Kyoto protocol New emissions plan could energise global climate talks, says US envoy
Andrew Orlowski: ‘It’s a common misconception – a sign of the media’s deference to scientists, perhaps – that the UN IPCC consists of a properly appointed actual panel somewhere…Self-selecting scientists kick off the assessment process, often gatekeeping material by their friends and colleagues, hard-green campaign groups etc’
The current Warmist ‘explanation’ of the temperature plateau of recent years: ‘The greedy deep ocean is gobbling up all the heat’
How much has the climate change controversy poisoned the well of environmentalism? ‘Quite a bit if the following study results are to be believed’
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: ‘This is an amazing chart.. almost perfect correlation with the phases of the PDO/AMO cumulative total, not co2’
Mark Steyn ridicules Michael Mann: ‘Accidentally on Purpose’ — ‘Never before has anyone worked as tirelessly as Dr. Mann to promote his accidental celebrity’
Michael Mann agrees with Climate Depot’s Morano about how Gore was not the optimal spokesman for global warming movement: Mann: ‘Gore, I would argue, was convenient foil for those alreadly looking to polarize/politicize issue’