Watch Now: Morano on TV on NASA’s retired ex-con James Hansen: ‘Hansen saying the Keystone pipeline means ‘game over’ for climate, is a fancy way of saying it’s ‘game over’ for what little credibility Hansen had left when it came to climate science’

Watch Full Morano interview here.

Ezra Levant speaks with Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on April 29, 2013 about James Hansen who has turned to calling Canada’s government names.

Selected Excerpts from Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano’s interview on Sun News: 

Morano: ‘This is a man (Hansen) who sold out any scientific credibility decades ago for wacky activism. This is a man who endorsed a book calling for deindustrialization of the world, for blowing up dams, razing cities. Hansen said the author had it exactly right. This is a man (Hansen) who said ‘game over’ for the climate if we approve the Keystone pipeline. No one takes him seriously. People are laughing. This is a hardcore ideologue.

Grist Mag., the people who called for Nuremberg style trials for climate skeptics, now says Hansen’s influence has been lost because he has chosen to get arrested three or four times protesting the Keystone pipeline. Hansen would be more at home with Greenpeace, not NASA.

Not many people in the U.S.,  other than the elite media,  take Hansen seriously. [Canadian minister] Joe Oliver nailed it. The words ‘nonsense’ and ‘James Hansen’ literally go hand and hand as often as you can put them together.

Hansen is still going around predicting absurd sea level rises, not based on scientific literature or the geologic record.

No one is sitting in the U.S. other than the elite media and Bill Mckibben, listening to a word Hansen has to say these days. Even the left cringes when Hansen speaks.

Hansen saying the keystone pipeline means ‘game over’ for climate, is a fancy way of saying it’s ‘game over’ for what little credibility James Hansen had left when it came to climate science.

In Jan 2009, Hansen said Obama had four years left to save the planet. That deadline expired in Jan 2013.  Now Hansen joins the failed Mayan doomsday calendar. We can’t give Hansen a deadline extension. Doomsday has passed.’ (End Morano excerpts)

Watch Full Morano interview here. 

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