Watch Now: Morano on TV on NASA’s retired ex-con James Hansen: ‘Hansen saying the Keystone pipeline means ‘game over’ for climate, is a fancy way of saying it’s ‘game over’ for what little credibility Hansen had left when it came to climate science’
Watch Full Morano interview here. Ezra Levant speaks with Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on April 29, 2013 about James Hansen who has turned to calling Canada’s government names. Selected Excerpts from Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano’s interview on Sun News: Morano: ‘This is a man (Hansen) who sold out any scientific credibility decades ago for […]
32:1 Ratio Of Record Lows To Record Highs in U.S.
2012: ‘A Record Data Tampering Year’: ‘NCDC published the famous graph below, which has fooled millions of people into believing that 2012 was the hottest year ever in the US, and that the US is rapidly warming. Only problem is – NCDC’s own thermometer data shows that the US has been cooling, and that 2012 was second warmest after 1921’
Climate Astrology: ‘If the weather is hot, that proves global warming. If the weather is cold, that also proves global warming, because global warming creates more extremes. An ice age would therefore be the ultimate proof of global warming’
Final Hurricane Score: Pres. Grover Cleveland = 15: Pres. Barack Obama = 3 — ‘Pres. Grover Cleveland served one term from 1885-1888. During that time, 15 hurricanes made landfall – compared to 3 under Obama’
Flashback: Claim: Global warming causing women to become hookers in Africa! — ‘Women in her village are turning to prostitution because they can no longer make enough money from farming’ due to global warming
Climate Hookers? No Joke! Democrat Congressional resolution warns global warming could push women to prostitution!