Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News about ‘Ethical Oil’ & Keystone Pipeline: ‘If we are getting oil from a democracy in Canada [via the Keystone Pipeline], that’s called ethical oil’
Related Link: The U.S. Must Choose Ethical Energy Over Conflict Energy — ‘Limiting North American drilling, mining, pipelines & energy extraction can only mean more reliance on conflict energy from places like the Middle East, Venezuela and China, where human rights & environmental protection may be less than desirable.’
Watch Now: Morano rips NASA’s James Hansen: ‘Hansen said we only have 4 years left to save the planet in Jan.2009, We passed another Mayan calendar deadline’
Related Link: NASA’s James Hansen Declared Obama Has One Week Left To Save The Planet! — ‘On Jan. 17, 2009 Hansen declared Obama only ‘has four years to save Earth
NASA’s James Hansen, a muse to Eco-Terrorists?!Watch Now: Morano on Fox News: ‘NASA’s resident ex-con James Hansen is inspiring these people to potential acts of eco terrorism’
Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto calls Morano a ‘thorn to environmentalists’ and noted Morano discovered ‘beastly’ and ‘scary’ at the DC climate rally …. Cavuto features Climate Depot’s exclusive video of ‘dismantle’ the pipeline by ‘any means necessary’ … Morano: NASA’s lead global warming scientist was this protester’s inspiration to dismantle the pipeline […]