NOAA Slays the Billion-Dollar Disaster Meme
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration keeps a tally of “billion dollar disasters” which have occurred in the United States. The number of disasters which exceed the billion dollar threshold has increased since 1980. This increase has been often cited as evidence that the climate has become more extreme and is attributable to emissions of […]
Al Gore laments: ‘We see individual bloggers having an impact on policy debates. We see fact-checking taking place on the internet that actually does change the way issues are dealt with’
Bloomberg News: Global warming rules might ‘help ensure that the Democrats lose the Senate in 2014’
The Great Retreat: NYT’s Andrew Revkin does low climate sensitivity: Revkin seems to conclude that things are just as the skeptics have said –He dares not mention Dr. Pat Michaels of CATO by name?!
An inconvenient truth: More polar bears alive today than 40 years ago
Gore advises Obama to go around Republicans on climate
New paper finds tree-ring studies underestimate climate extremes of the past — Published in Nature Climate Change
Prof. Judith Curry: ‘Until we better understand natural internal climate variability, we simply don’t know how to infer sensitivity to greenhouse gas forcing’
Report: UN IPCC chair Pachauri Takes World Wildlife Fund Money: ‘The chairman of the IPCC is cashing checks issued by the WWF’
Skeptical Swedish climatology: Dr. Lennart Bengtsson: Global warming only visible under a microscope
Skeptical Czech Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl agrees with Dr. Bengtsson: Motl: ‘The effects of global warming are so extremely weak that we need extremely precise measurements that are simultaneously performed almost everywhere throughout the globe at almost every moment during many decades or a century and we need very sophisticated statistical procedures to process the […]