Claim: Climate change a factor in Chicago’s murder rate — Former CEO of Playboy Christie Hefner: It ‘may seem odd, but it is factually true. One of them is actually the weather’
Gore calls lack of climate-related questions in presidential debates ‘pathetic’
Defeated Warmist ‘Republican’ Bob Inglis pushes carbon tax: ‘When you mention ‘carbon,’ conservatives break out in hives. And when you say ‘tax,’ they go into anaphylactic shock’
Japan Meterological Agency Show Global Temperature .25C Colder Than NASA/MET/NOAA
Democrat Maryland Gov Martin O’Malley: ‘Climate change is not an ideological issue any more than gravity is’
‘David Letterman tried to discuss fracking with Al Gore. They both stepped on a rake’
$100 Million in Oil Money Richer, Al Gore’s Unsure Why Critics Are Being So Critical
Climate Depot Article on Gore Inspires Cartoon by Josh: ‘From Green tech to Oil funded Al Jazeera to Apple he has certainly done rather well’
40% Of U.S. All-Time Record Maximums Were Set During The 1930s
NOAA says that 2012 was the hottest year ever in the United States. Only three stations (0.3%) set their all time record maximum during NOAA’s hottest year ever, compared to one hundred seventy two stations (21%) in 1936.