Al Gore Skewers TV News: Says TV hurting democracy — but has nice things to say about Al Jazeera
UK Register: ‘Climate shocker: Carry on as we are until 2050, planet will be FINE’ — ‘Doubled CO2 means just 1.9°C warming, says Norwegian gov’
Warmist David Roberts offers very good analysis! ‘The recent enthusiasm of green groups for using extreme weather as a climate communication tool could very easily backfire…’
UK Register: Greenland ice SIMPLY WOULD NOT MELT in baking +8°C era 120k years ago — ‘Scatch off yet another IPCC doom warning’
Greenland ice SIMPLY WOULD NOT MELT in baking +8°C era 120k years ago • The Register UK Register Excerpt: Scientists analysing ancient ice samples say that the Greenland ice sheet withstood temperatures much higher than today’s for many thousands of years during a period of global warming more than 120,000 years ago, losing just a […]
New paper finds Greenland was much warmer in the past & is less vulnerable to thaw than previously thought — Published in Nature
Greenpeace-backed scientist claims that ‘there’s no doubt that if climate continued like in 2012, Greenland’s gone’
Why Antarctica also doesn’t need ‘saving’: ‘New paper finds Antarctica snow pack will continue to grow during 21st century’
Warmist Revkin: Greenland ‘is a sideshow in the sea level question’ — Eyes Turn to Antarctica as Study Shows Greenland’s Ice Has Endured Warmer Climates
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on report urging spending of $14 trillion to prevent bad weather: ‘The report says in its essence basically says ‘pay up or else we will have bad weather’
Neil Cavuto of Fox News praises Climate Depot’s Morano as an ‘environmentalist bashing crusader’ — ‘For years Morano has been trying to tell mainstream media that won’t listen’ about global warming
Related Link: SPECIAL REPORT: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – Challenge UN IPCC & Gore