N. Carolina State U. Warmist Prof. Robert Bruck: ‘Winter doesn’t seem to exist anymore’ – Warns of global warming caused ‘global holocaust’ [email protected]
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. on Floods: ‘In no US region is there strong statistical evidence for flood magnitudes increasing with increasing CO2’
Prof. Pielke. Jr. rips new federal climate report: ‘Extreme Misrepresentation: USGCRP & Case of Floods’ — Says report ‘captured as a tool of advocacy via misrepresentation of scientific literature’
‘…a four-year effort by the nation’s top scientists should be expected to produce a public draft report of much higher quality than this’
Say What?! UN IPCC Chief Pachauri calls for ‘sane and rational voices’ in media coverageFlashback: Pachauri wishes skeptics would ‘apply asbestos to their faces every day’
Why the environmental movement couldn’t get cap-and-trade passed: ‘The Tea Party sat atop a growing, powerful push to undermine science’
Analysis: ‘The steady, relentless collapse of the climate campaign proceeds apace…The media is slowly starting to give up on whole game. The NYT has decided to break up its entire env. unit’
Flashback 2007: NASA’s James Hansen on touting individual years as hottest: ‘As far as I remember, we have always discouraged that as being somewhat nonsensical’
NYT: Climategate Prof. Michael Mann goes full political — ‘Backs Bill to Curb Emissions’ — Mann ‘has thrown his support behind an effort to get Pennsylvania to do more to reduce its CO2 emissions’
Dr. Mann criticized those who would deny climate change and mankind’s responsibility for it, even in the face of recent weather extremes “One often hears the misleading claim that no single event, regardless of how extreme or unprecedented, can be blamed on climate change,” he said. “That is like saying that no single roll […]