Greenland Ends The Year With Some Of The Coldest Weather Ever Recorded: ‘They hit -78F, five degrees above the coldest temperature ever recorded there’
‘Forget global warming, Alaska is headed for an ice age’: Alleged ‘fastest warming place’ on Earth cooled 2.4 degrees F. during alleged ‘Hottest Decade Ever’
Gore touts Morano as 2012’s ‘Climate ‘Misinformer of the Year’: ‘ founder Marc Morano has been called ‘the Matt Drudge of climate denial,’ the ‘king of the skeptics’
Watch Now: Warmist Compilation of Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News & CNN from 2012: Video tribute as part of Morano’s ‘Climate Change Misinformer Of The Year’ Award
CFACT moments of 2012: ‘Marc Morano becomes TV’s voice of climate realism’ — ‘Morano was here, there and everywhere debunking climate propaganda on tv, radio, in print and online’
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: ‘Since we are going to tout US warmth ( 2% of globe) lets look at that global temp trend shall we?’