Climate Depot Wins Warmist Award! Morano Named ‘Climate Change Misinformer Of The Year’ by Media Matters — Climate Depot is honored to be dishonored with this award
Was 2012 Really a ‘Record Breaking Hot Summer?’: ‘The summer of 1936 had five times as many record maximums as the summer of 2012’
Western Antarctic warming courtesy of Mr. Fix-it: ‘Almost all of that warming took place before 1988. And Byrd Station has seen no warming (actually a slight cooling) since 1991’
Be wary of ‘green’ Sen. Kerry at State: ‘Kerry has been engaged with climate policy since he attended the first major U.N. climate summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992’
Snow, A Thing of the Past?: ‘Blizzard warnings stretch for 730 continuous miles due to Winter Storm Euclid’
Wait, what?: Washington Post blogger appears reluctant to blame CO2 for warm weather in DC this year Done deal: ‘D.C. to complete warmest year on record in 2012’
Erratic Environment May Be Key to Human Evolution: ‘Findings suggest that key mental developments within human lineage may have been linked with a highly variable environment’
EPA Chief Resigns: Attorney claims EPA chief Lisa Jackson resigned over alias email accounts: ‘Chris Horner: ‘Life’s full of coincidences, but this is too many. She had no choice’
New paper finds climate models exaggerate projected warming — Paper published in Geophysical Research Letters
New paper finds modern sea ice coverage in Canadian Arctic near highest levels of past 150 years — Paper published in European Geosciences Union journal Biogeosciences
According to paper, sea ice coverage was dominated by natural variation from PDO and AO’