Mann vs Morano: ‘Marc Morano and Michael Mann were interviewed on the BBC’s World Service Newshour show’
MUST LISTEN: Marc Morano ‘nearly’ talks to Michael Mann on the BBC World Service!
Climategate’s Michael Mann on Morano: ‘He’s a hired assassin..he spreads malicious lies…[he] uses language that makes it sound like we should be subject to death threats’
Lord Monckton in Qatar: UN’s 18 annual climate gabfests: 16 years without warming OOPS!
Atmopshereic Physicist Dr. Fred Singer reacts to media touted Greenland/Antarctic ice study
Singer: Number of the Week: 55.5 mm or 2.2 inches per century. The international research group of polar scientists, IMBIE, announced that melting glacial ice on Greenland and Antarctica has increased sea levels by 11.1 mm over 20 years, from 1992 to 2011, which can be extrapolated to the numbers above. However, one must not […]
Bummer: It’s the [CO2-induced] ‘end of the world as we know it’ — ‘It’s the end of the world as we know it’
Media touted model driven study exposed: ‘New Ice Surveys Finds Slower Ice-sheet Melting’ — ‘E. Antarctic Ice Sheet — over 75% of Antarctica, experienced mass gains during final years of study’
Excerpted Analysis — For Doug L. Hoffman’s complete analysis see here: The good news, according to Riva, is that Antarctica is not losing ice as rapidly as suggested by many recent studies. Moreover, snowfall in east Antarctica seems to be compensating for some—if not quite all—of the melting elsewhere in Antarctica’ … For Greenland things […]