Gore calls on Obama to ‘act boldly’ on climate change: Demands immediate push for a carbon tax
Think tank to sue Treasury to make carbon tax proposal emails public
Al Gore: Keystone XL Pipeline is ‘quite literally insane’
A Carbon Tax Cometh?! ‘The carbon-tax crowd is a big tent, bringing together deficit hawks, growth mavens and climate worriers’
Grist Mag’s David Roberts encourages warmists to ‘claim the storm’ for the global warming narrative — ‘It is, ultimately, immoral not to’
EU backs down on airline carbon tax: ‘The Obama admin. objected strongly to the proposal’
Media Climategate Revealed: ‘Green lobby’ decides the BBC’s climate change policy
Update: Grover Norquist called ‘Bonehead of the Day’: ‘Americans for Tax Reform chief Norquist says a carbon tax would not necessarily violate his group’s ‘no-tax’pledge’
Norquist: …There is no conceivable way to add an energy or VAT tax to the burdens taxpayers face that would not violate pledge over time’