Kyoto: The Last Rites: ‘Where better than the Qatari capital to perform the last rites over the Kyoto Protocol?’
Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue releases new hurricane frequency data showing a negative trend in the last 30 years
UK Guardian: ’50 months to avoid climate disaster’ — ‘On a very conservative estimate, 50 months from now, the dice become loaded against us in terms of keeping under a 2C temp rise’
Oh No, not anther tipping point! ‘There are around 50 months left before we cross a critical climate threshold…[to] stay on the right side of a 2C temperature rise’
Warmist Kevin Anderson on his personal efforts to prevent CO2-induced bad weather: ‘I’ve done without a fridge for 12 years, but recently relented…I’ve cut back on washing and showering’
Via Tom Nelson blog: MONDAY, OCTOBER 01, 2012 Warmist Kevin Anderson on his personal efforts to prevent CO2-induced bad weather: “I’ve done without a fridge for 12 years, but recently relented…I’ve cut back on washing and showering” 50 months – 50 months: Kevin Anderson, Head of Climate & Energy Research, Tyndall Centre, Manchester University […]
Sen. Inhofe Asks For Hearing on EPA’s Alleged Conducting of Illegal Human Experiments
‘Antarctica has quietly set a new record for the greatest sea ice extent ever measured at either pole’
Cold Hard Fact: Antarctic Sea Ice is at Record High — ‘We have record low ice extent in the Arctic and record large ice extent surrounding Antarctica’
Climatologist Cliff Harris: ‘I’m not at all worried about the summer melting processes. A tremendous winter ice expansion, however, is a different story’
The Reverse Hockey Stick In Svalbard in Arctic: ‘According to Phil Jones, Svalbard has been cooling since the beginning of their records in 1923’
‘This is the reverse of Michael Mann’s approach. Mann threw out proxy data which he didn’t like, & replaced it with Hansen’s adjusted thermometer data. In this case, the researchers ignored thermometer data, & replaced it with proxy data’