Don’t Believe The Global Warmists, Major Hurricanes Are Less Frequent: ‘Not a single decade during past 50 years saw an above-avg. number of major hurricanes – not a single decade!’
UN Agrees To Do Nothing On Climate Change, Arranges More Meetings: ‘Bangkok held latest meeting that accomplished nothing & everyone is gearing up annual UN summit in Doha’
Thank You Mr. President! ‘The US is taking a wrecking ball to the climate convention and any hope of stopping run away climate catastrophe’
Apocalyptic Reverend Joe Romm: ‘While we can’t avoid serious global warming at this point, we still have time to avoid ‘Armageddon’ — the end times battle for humanity!’
CO2 Has The Power To Make Scientists Incredibly Stupid: 2000: ‘Snow is a thing of the past’ — 2011: ‘Snow is a thing of the future’ — 2012: ‘Snow is a thing of the past’
Was Stern ‘wrong for the right reasons’ … or just wrong? ‘Should we make ourselves poorer to save the rich of the future some insignificant amount of money…’
Dutch analysis finds wind power is a ‘money pit with virtually no merit of CO2 emission reduction or fossil fuel saving’
Wash Post: ‘Does President Obama really care about global warming?’ — ‘Arguing that Obama is merely better than Republicans on climate change is a nasty sort of compliment’