Flashback NASA’s Hansen 2007: ‘In general I think that we want to avoid going into more and more detail about ranking of individual years’
Flashback 2006: Hansen warns his fellow alarmists: ‘We don’t want the public to hang their hat on a recent storm, recent hurricanes for example, because those will fluctuate from year to year’
Is it really worse than we thought?! August 2012 – State Of The Climate Report: 1. Quietest tornado summer on record 2. Quietest hurricane summer on record
Flashback 1947 : International Agency Needed To Stop The Arctic Meltdown: Same story – different millennium
National Ice Center Shows 40% More Ice Than 2007: ‘NOAA’s National Ice Center shows that there is a lot more ice now than the 2007 minimum’
July was also the 329th consecutive month of positive upwards adjustment to the U.S. temperature record by NOAA/NCDC