Flashback 2006: Hansen warned fellow alarmists: ‘We don’t want the public to hang their hat on a recent storm, recent hurricanes for example, because those will fluctuate from year to year’
Hansen Uses 30 Year Cherry Picked Time Period To Prove That Climate Is The Most Extreme In 10,000 Years
‘The Godfather’ of AGW Challenged: ‘It is pure and simple cherry-picking. Had Hansen compared against 1930s he would have seen that recent temperatures have been relatively quite cool’
Found: Fingerprint Of Man Made Climate Change: ‘Non-airport stations show almost no trend over last 80 years, with 1921 & 1990 tied for hottest year, & a steep cooling trend over last 20 years’
U.S. Temperatures Plummeted From 1930 To 1979
Hansen Is Defiling US History: ‘The summer of 1936 was much hotter than the summers of 2011 or 2012. Hansen is a disgrace to NASA and science in general’
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. rips claims: ‘Hansen’s use of science as a political fulcrum encourages over-the-top claims by scientists and an effort to squelch opposing voices’