Climate Depot’s Morano tells UN Earth Summit in Rio: ‘Failure here is good for the world’s poor people’ — ‘Carbon based energy is one of the greatest liberators of mankind’
Lord Monckton on UN Earth Summit: ‘What have they got to hide?’ — ‘It’s all about extending the power and reach of the global-government wannabes.’
UN Earth Summit Confronted by Critics: Icelandic journalist Magnus Gudmundsson, highlighted blatant environmental deception and its tragic effects on the world’s most vulnerable people
‘Um’ and ‘ah’: ‘Earth Summit Brain Freeze: What is ‘sustainable development’? Not many people seem to know
NYT’s Revkin: ‘I understand why Obama is not going to UN…Climate change is not, and never has been, a salient issue for American voters…’
Rio+20 green protesters perform ‘ritual rip-up’ of negotiated text: ‘Anger rises at Rio Earth summit…condemn as a betrayal of future generations’