Trend Of Normal Sea Ice Continues: ‘Arctic sea ice has been at or above normal for over a month now’
Prof. Pielke Jr. Rips Gillis: ‘The NYT Puts the Hit On…an extended hit piece on Lindzen…Since when is it appropriate for a major newspaper to attack an individual scientist?’
NYT reporter Justin Gillis: ‘Among the many climate skeptics who plaster the Internet with their writings, hardly any have serious credentials in the physics of the atmosphere’
Maybe NYT’s Gillis should investigate his fellow warmists: Flashback: Warmist William Schlesinger admits that only 20% of UN IPCC scientists deal with climate!
Report: ‘New Evidence Released in Fakegate Global Warming Scandal
Watch Now: Weather Channel Founder John Coleman’s Special Report on climate change and cosmic rays
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Canadian TV with Charles Adler: ‘Warmist James Lovelock recants — Warmist movement cooling
Warmists’ throwing Lovelock under the bus! Alarmists Now Trying To Disown Their High Priest James Lovelock
Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark ‘is single-handedly blowing away the alleged ‘consensus’ on what drives the climate’
NYT Reporter Justin Gillis Does it Again! Author of ‘Worst NYT Story on Climate Ever’ — gets even worse!
Climate Depot Editorial – Serving as the Media’s Ombudsman New York Times global warming reporter Justin Gillis ([email protected]) has officially reduced himself to the equivalent of a newsletter writer for climate pressure groups. Just when you thought his reporting cannot get any worse, he surprises us again. Gillis has previously been named the author […]