Climate Depot’s Morano appears in Australian Broadcasting Corp’s ‘I can change your mind about Climate’ — Aired April 26, 2012
Full coverage below of the raging climate debate down under:
Watch Climate Depot’s segment here:
Watch Now: Climate Depot featured in Aussie TV Doc — Debates Climate: ‘From A to Z, the man-made global warming movement literally has egg on their face’ — Morano: AGW is ‘sub-prime science, sub-prime economics and sub-prime politics’– Marc Morano debates Australian Youth Climate Coalition’s Anna Rose — Transcript available here.
Transcript of Show: Morano: ‘Polar bears at or near historic population height; global temps hit their high point in 1988; claims of 2005, 2010 being the hottest years are based on 100ths of a degree F., it is a political statement. You can’t even get a margin of error to even approach what they are claiming’
Aussie’s ABC TV features Climate Depot: ‘Morano runs a popular skeptic news website, and he’s the man credited with bursting the climate belief bubble in the US’ — ‘I CAN CHANGE YOUR MIND ON CLIMATE’ – Aired April 26, 2012
Watch Now: Climate Depot featured in Aussie TV Doc — Debates Climate: ‘From A to Z, the man-made global warming movement literally has egg on their face’ — Morano: AGW is ‘sub-prime science, sub-prime economics and sub-prime politics’– Marc Morano debates Australian Youth Climate Coalition’s Anna Rose — Transcript available here.
Climate Depot on Aussie TV documentary: ‘The Arctic is now 9,000 Manhattans over low point of 2007; Sea level, contrary to predictions of it accelerating has actually dropped’ — Transcript of Show: Morano: ‘Polar bears at or near historic population height; global temps hit their high point in 1988; claims of 2005, 2010 being the hottest years are based on 100ths of a degree F., it is a political statement. You can’t even get a margin of error to even approach what they are claiming’
Dr. Lubos Motl: ‘Morano has done a tremendous job in making Americans think & communicate about climate issue & a measurable part of drop of climate panic in U.S. may be attributed to Morano’ — Physicist Dr. Motl: In Aussie TV doc ‘Morano said many assertive sentences that made lots of sense…most people who think about these matters – including folks like Dick Lindzen himself – don’t have any problem to associate themselves with Climate Depot’s Morano. Marc may be tough but he is right. The apparent fact that Marc Morano is taboo in Anna Rose’s organization only highlights how immensely detached from reality her organization is’
Climate Depot’s Morano to warmist TV co-host Anna Rose: ‘You are the Face of one of the Greatest Threats of our Liberty…’‘…and that is international bean-counters trying to control average people’s lives because they think they know better how people should live, because people left to their own devices will somehow destroy the planet. It is a mockery. You’ve been had’
Left-wing political activist TV co-host Anna Rose on Morano allegedly ‘making things up’: Rose claims ‘Do a simple Google search, you’ll find hundreds of examples’ — Tom Nelson to Anna Rose: ‘I just did a simple Google search, and I found zero examples. You are making things up’
Warmists slam Climate Depot’s role in Aussie TV doc: ‘By far the worst of Minchin’s champions was Marc Morano, who runs the notorious cess-pit of climate denial’ — ‘Morano is a master of the Gish Gallop, spewing out a rapid-fire string of arguments – sea level is dropping, polar bear populations are increasing, temperatures are going down – which are impossible to refute on the spot in a television debate’
Warmist TV host Anna Rose’s ‘low point was her introduction of Morano. She refused to engage with someone who was ‘not a climate scientist’ — ‘Neither was Rose’s first ‘expert], the farmer, but that didn’t stop Minchin from listening politely. Her petulant schoolyard attitude unfortunately betrayed her youth and inexperience, and harmed her cause. Morano was pretty well controlled in the circumstances’
Warmist Prof. Michael Ashley in UK Guardian: ‘The problem with people like Morano is that they have a very forceful way of putting their arguments, even though each one of them is wrong’ — ‘Because [Morano] comes across as very slick, people believe him. People watch a program like this (Aussie TV doc) and they think there’s a scientific debate. It’s a lose, lose situation for climate scientists’
Aussie Documentary ‘I can change your mind’ – Warmist ‘Anna totally outclassed. Then smears Marc Morano. Hilarious. And tragic. Anna just not interested’ — ‘I will only debate a climate scientist’ says Arts/Law graduate Anna Rose. ‘Won’t be engaging in debate’. Embarrassing, Anna. I’m afraid avoiding debate isn’t the answer’
Climate Depot response: Cook should spend some time educating himself on the Arctic & global temps by reading the A-Z report on global warming. Cook is reduced to dredging up the absurd 97% ‘consensus’ of scientists claim.
Climategate’s Michael Mann rips Climate Depot: ‘Morano is just a cog in a larger attack and disinformation machine…Morano is the pit bull who carries those attacks out for them’ — Mann: ‘He’s a hired hand and his main role is to intimidate and discredit climate scientists in the hope that they will withdraw from participating in the public discourse…[Morano’s] modus operandi of publishing scientists emails, portraying them as enemies of the people, is just one of the lines of attack used’
Related Links:
Morano of CFACT’s Climate Depot receives award at 6th climate conference in DC