UK Met Office Failed in Predicting 2010 would be ‘hottest year on record’ — So 3 years later they ‘retroactively altered historical data, to make their original forecast correct’
Supreme Court Sides With Idaho Property Owners Over EPA: ‘The Supreme Court has come forcefully down on the side of an Idaho couple in its fight against EPA
Warmists Joe Romm and Jeff Masters are on a roll claiming that the US and Canada are having record hot weather — But ‘somehow they missed the fact that there is an equal area of record cold’
Back to the 1990s! Arctic Ice Almost Identical To 17 Years Ago & Global temperatures are lower than 17 years ago
UN IPCC Scientist Dr. Vincent Gray: ‘There is not a scrap of evidence in any IPCC reports that human emissions of CO2 have any harmful effect on the climate’
Meteorologist Tom Wysmuller: ‘If CO2 is to be considered a major driver of temperatures, it is doing a counterintuitive dance around the numbers’
Meteorologist Tom Wysmuller: The Recent Temperature and CO2 Disconnect’ — ‘It is obvious that surface records are NOT going up – they are basically in a 0.2C flatline’