‘Forget global warming – it’s Solar Cycle 25 we need to worry about’ — ‘New figures show no warming in 15 years’ — ‘World temps may end up a lot cooler than now for 50 years or more’
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on more ‘green energy’ failures: ”When gov’t gets involved, the products & technology that have the most merit are NOT the ones that get funded’
Flashback: Report: 80% of DOE Green Energy Loans Went to Obama Backers: ‘4 out of 5 renewable energy companies backed by Energy Dept. ‘run by or primarily owned by Obama financial backers’
U.S. to become net exporter of liquefied natural gas by 2016: The U.S. is on track to become a net exporter of liquefied natural gas by 2016′
Parent company of Obama-backed battery maker goes bankrupt after $118 million DOE grant — Biden touted during visit
W. VA newspaper: Obama Winning His War on Coal — ‘Millions of families will pay more for electricity and an industry that is the backbone of some state economies…will be devastated’
Global warming’s ‘dirty laundry’: ‘As important as it is to protect Mr. Mann’s feelings from being hurt, trillions of dollars are at stake with climate-policy decisions being made based on his work’