The Pathetic State Of Science Journalism: ‘Many have become advocates for science that are too close to the scientists they report on’
UN chief: Binding climate deal may be beyond reach: ‘Without exaggeration, we can say the future of our planet is at stake’
South African Media Covers Skeptics: ‘Group of scientists dismiss climate change scare’
Team knew ‘hockey stick’ reconstruction was wrong
2000: Warmist Phil Jones goes to ‘solar variability and climate’ conference
2003: Michael Mann on what ‘the community’ should do to punish a journal that dared to print dissenting views on climate
Climategate 2.0 – yes, they’ve been lying to you: ‘If they sound like a gang of school bullies, it’s because that’s precisely what they are like, with climate science being the school yard’
Watch Now: Skeptics parachute into UN Climate Summit — CFACT & Lord Monckton drop from 10,000 feet to deliver message about Climategate 2.0
Skeptics Invade UN Climate Summit! Climate Depot/CFACT press conference at UN Summit in Durban S. Africa to feature Sen. Inhofe — Wed., Dec. 7 — 15:30 (8:30am ET) Room Kosi Palm (ICC Level 2)
The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: 7 December, 2011 Christina Wilson +27 791833988 Media Advisory CFACT press conference to feature U.S. Senator Inhofe Wednesday, 7 December, 15:30 Room Kosi Palm (ICC Level 2) On Wednesday, 7 December at 15:30 CFACT will cosponsor a press conference with U.S. Senator James Inhofe in […]