The warmist Nation mag recognizes Climate Depot as ‘the denialists go-to website’ & one of the ‘rock stars of the movement’ – ‘Dozing’ audience ‘comes to life’ when Morano speaks
Warmist’s Death Wish: ‘I will probably enjoy a drink of expensive scotch when Marc Morano, James Inhofe, and Steve Milloy kick the bucket’
U.S. Wind Market Set to ‘Fall Off a Cliff’ unless tax credits extended, said Ditlev Engel, CEO of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, the biggest maker of the machines
The World Bank thinks you’re stupid: With zero of the top 41 deadliest floods in history occurring this century, they suggest that CO2 causes deadly floods
Third Quietest Hurricane Period On Record In The US: ‘US hurricane strikes have been on the decline since NOAA started measuring them before the Civil War’
The great offsets scam begins: Aussie gov’t’s ‘planned cuts to our emissions actually involves paying foreigners to cut their own’