Penn State’s other investigation failure: ‘Failure to ensure proper investigation of Climategate emails’ of Michael Mann
Corrupt inquiries: ”Two [Penn State] university cover-ups in the last few years…,the university responsible for one of the Climategate non-inquiries’
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi takes on warmist Heidi Cullen: ‘Do you even follow what is going on beyond anything that serves your agenda?’
40 Years Ago This Week: ‘Remember –in 1971,snow was caused by global cooling –but is now caused by global warming’
Greens to seniors: Die faster?! ”It’s the old folks, the so-called Silent Generation aged 66-83, that are the big problem’
Richard Betts of UK Met Office: ‘Most climate scientists* do not subscribe to the 2 degrees ‘Dangerous Climate Change’ meme (I know I don’t). ‘Dangerous’ is a value judgement’