Warmists Prep for UN Summit: ‘World headed for irreversible climate change in five years, IEA warns’: ‘The world will ‘lose for ever’ the chance to avoid dangerous climate change’
‘The Green Gingrich’ CEI’s Myron Ebell provides a quick historical look at Gingrich’s green history.’As Speaker, he refused in 1995 & 1996 to allow a floor vote on reform to ESA’
Paging Gingrich: Repulsive: Flashback: NAS’s National Research Council Turns into political advocacy group: $6 million NAS study used to lobby for climate bill
Oh No! Newt cites NAS as ‘proof’ of consensus! Gingrich misunderstands National Academy of Sciences: ‘I say to all of my conservative friends, don’t assume automatically the entire (NAS) is wrong’
Analysis: ‘Despite confession, Gingrich still confused’: Newt book’s ‘prescriptions amount to little more than a full embrace of rent-seeking ‘green’ business and left-leaning eco-activist groups’
October 2011 NOAA Data: U.S. Temperature Cooling Trend of 15 Years Continues, -3.7 Degrees
Climategate’s Michael Mann directs us to a ‘must see’ video which claims that the US economy produces more greenhouse gas than any other country
‘The carbon tax is empty symbolism…Voodoo science leads Australia down a dark path’
Warmist Bob Brown hears thunder after CO2 swindle vote in Australia, says ‘The heavens are clapping’
Moment of Clarity: Gingrich fully recants on Gore’s global warming ‘love seat’ ad with Pelosi: ‘The dumbest single thing I’ve done in years’