‘Silver lining of mass destruction caused by climate change is that a new culture will emerge that will drop ‘shopping’ cold turkey’
Scant CO2 Benefit from China’s Coal-Powered Electric Cars
Wal-Mart Ends ‘Green’ Products and Sees Customers Return: ‘The genius behind the Wal-Mart ‘green’ makeover was Gore communications director Leslie Dach’
Climatologist Pielke Sr. : ‘Further substantial areas of ignorance remain in our basic understanding of some of the relevant phyiscal, chemical and dynamical processes’
Huffington Post column slams ‘thoroughly discredited IPCC’ & ‘the delusional consensus behind deranged boondoggle of cardigan-clad builders of windmills and solar panels’
Climate book for kids that hailed Gore as ‘eco-hero’ recalled after complaints — ‘A Hot Planet Needs Cool Kids’ by Julie Hall, a poet and cofounder of ProgressiveKids’ [email protected]
Arctic Warmed 16 Degrees From 1910 To 1939: ‘Rotten ice,permafrost melting,ice receding,animals migrating,global warming. Then it got really cold,and by 1974 they were worried about an ice age’
UN conf. in Durban set to be deathbed of Kyoto Protocol