Discovery News: Cold times led to angry runts, famine, and war; warm times led to The Renaissance
Time Mag reports: ‘Peaks of social disturbance such as rebellions, revolutions, & political reforms followed every decline of temperature’ — ‘Number of wars increased by 41% in Cold Phase’
Obama’s ‘Green’ Gov’t Playing ‘Casino Night’ With $12M Of Tax Money
Australia: You know who’s allegedly not credible enough to speak at a proposed campus global warming debate? The guy who headed the National Climate Centre for 12 years
‘Fossil fuels are wonderful’, claims US documentary
Is the Chevy Volt a sales flop? GM has repeatedly claimed a sales target for 2011 of 10,000 units — But, 9 months into the year, they’ve only shipped 3,895 off the lot’
Back to the ‘drawing board’ on glacial period carbon sinks: Nature study: Rising CO2 levels at end of Ice Age not tied to Pacific Ocean
NASA’s Chief Warmist James Hansen rakes in the cash! ‘He may very well may be the country’s first millionaire bureaucrat —thanks to this flood of outside income’