Welcome to Scientific Reality! Mitt Romney feels the heat — reverses global warming view?! Romney now says: ‘I don’t know if it’s mostly caused by humans’ — ‘Hours after being called ‘mushy on environmental issues’ by a Republican senator James Inhofe, Mitt Romney has tweaked his position on global warming. Romney: ‘What I’m not willing to do is spend trillions of dollars on something I don’t know the answer to’
Climate Depot: ‘Huntsman is the only candidate left who believes we can control the weather through taxes and regulation. The GOP is officially pro-science when it comes to man-made global warming’
Before Perry’s entry into race: Romney’s touted his Gore like warmist views: Romney: ‘Scientists are nearly unanimous in laying the blame for rising temperatures on GHG emissions’ — The old warmist Romney: ‘I believe that climate change is occurring — the reduction in size of global ice caps is hard to ignore’
Sen. Inhofe to back Perry, calls Romney ‘mushy’ on environment
Warmist Media claims: ‘There’s no evidence that [skeptical scientists] numbers are quickly growing’
Climate Depot Response: The media is full overdrive promoting UN ‘consensus’ propaganda. There has been an explosion of skeptical scientists for past 5 years! See: ‘The more than 300 additional scientists added to [1000 plus scientist] report since March 2009, represents an avg. of nearly 4 skeptical scientists a week speaking out publicly’ to dissent
Warmist Cohen says Rick Perry climate skepticism makes him ‘intellectually unqualified to be president’
Climate Depot Response: Poor Richard Cohen, his own intellectual capacity has been exposed as wanting due to his swallowing of pure warmist propaganda’ — Phone booth?! See: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – Challenge UN IPCC & Gore
AP Profiles Climate Depot: ‘Morano now runs a website called Climate Depot where he attacks anyone who buys into the scientific consensus on climate change’ — AP: ‘Enemy No. 1 for Morano these days is Newt Gingrich’ — ‘Republican presidential hopefuls can believe in man-made global warming as long as they never talk about it, and oppose all the so-called solutions,” said Marc Morano, a former aide to Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe, one of the most vocal climate skeptics in Congress’
New York Times Features Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘You can believe in the science of global warming if you’re a GOP presidential contender if you keep your mouth shut about it’ — NYT: ‘Morano called [Gingrich’s Pelosi ad] ‘toxic.’ ‘He’s acknowledging the problem. He’s accepting the science. He hasn’t backed away from endorsing Al Gore’s approach to man-made global warming. That’s why he’s going to have a problem. Gingrich was not just giving aid and comfort to the opposition. He was the opposition to the global warming skeptics’
Gingrich’s spokesman says Newt is ‘a fan of Morano’s [Climate Depot] blog and reads it often’ Politico: Gingrich’s ‘love seat’ predicament with Pelosi — ‘just won’t go away’ — Newt Digs In: ‘I don’t know what we’d apologize for’
‘Morano over at Climate Depot has been beating up on Gingrich unmercifully in recent days for the latter’s inexplicable dalliance with the despised Pelosi…It’s a hoot’ — ‘And Newt deserves every swat…He’s no less deserving of ridicule today. In the words of some really smart guy: What was he thinking?’