‘The global warmists’ dam breaks!’ CERN experiment confirms cosmic ray action’
Gallup poll: Climate realist Perry now only leads warmist Huntsman 29% to 1% — Plus Perry leads Romney by 12 points!
Yawn: ‘Will climate change cause war?’ Make love not CO2? ‘Study’s sponsors include the U.S. EPA, the brother of George Soros and the Environmental Defense Fund’
CLOUD experiment confirms cosmic ray action
NASA Reveals ‘global sea-level dropped significantly over the past year’
Oh No! Greens Now Claim Fracking Caused The east coast Earthquake!?
Climate Depot statement on Romney’s enhanced climate view: ‘First Pawlenty reverses his view on AGW, then Gingrich recants love seat ad with Pelosi, — and now Romney shifts!
Welcome to Scientific Reality! Mitt Romney feels the heat — reverses global warming view?! Romney now says: ‘I don’t know if it’s mostly caused by humans’ — ‘Hours after being called ‘mushy on environmental issues’ by a Republican senator James Inhofe, Mitt Romney has tweaked his position on global warming. Romney: ‘What I’m not willing […]
Climate Astrology Exposed: Scientists: ‘There is nothing weird about today’s weather’ — ‘We already know warming leads to less extreme weather’
Before Perry’s entry into race: Romney’s touted his Gore like warmist views: Romney: ‘Scientists are nearly unanimous in laying the blame for rising temperatures on GHG emissions’
Flashback: Gore to endorse Romney over Obama!? Gore Praises Romney for Belief in Man-Made Global Warming Crisis