‘Is UN IPCC’s Kevin Trenberth The World’s Most Incompetent Scientist? Excels At Fabrication Only?’
Study: Arctic ‘tipping point’ may not be reached — ‘Ice levels were about 50% lower 5,000 years ago’
New paper finds Arctic sea ice strongly linked to varying storm activity: Changes in Arctic sea ice extent are due to varying storm activity in the months of May-July…’
Arctic Warmed 10 Degrees Between 1900 And 1947
Heat waves pushes Texas power grid into red zone — ‘Texas has the most wind power in the country’
Celebrate: EU ‘carbon market’ going the way of dot.bombs: ‘European Union’s benchmark carbon price fell to its lowest level in two and a half years on Wednesday’
Blockbuster Peer-Review Study Set To Shake Global Warming Debate: Planetary temps control CO2 levels — not humans — Man-made emissions don’t control temps or global CO2 levels
Peer-Reviewed Study Set to Send Scientific Shockwaves! Prof. Judith Curry Reacts: ‘If Atmospheric Physicist Salby’s analysis holds up, this could revolutionize AGW science’
Grist Mag. Warmist David Roberts laments skeptics blocking climate action: ‘How do you solve a problem like conservative white men?’
Welcome to Climate Astrology! Warmist Paleontologist Peter Ward channels the future! ‘Somebody gave me the foresight to see what’s coming, and I don’t like it’ [email protected]