Wacko Warmist Schellnhuber: Carrying Capacity Of The Planet Is Less Than A Billion – Earth Will Explode With 9.4 Billion in 2050
Past extinction rates ‘overestimated’, but doom ‘just around corner’, says new study
Futurist Jeremy Rifkin straps on his tinfoil hat: He sees trace amounts of natural, harmless atmospheric gas causing ‘mass extinction of 70% (of biological diversity) in your kid’s lifetime’
Scholastic caves to enviro loons, produces lesson plan to create gorebots — Kids will follow teachings of Laurie David, co-producer of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth
Rodent species surfaces after 113 years
New Scare as plausible as AGW! CDC Warns Public to Prepare for ‘Zombie Apocalypse’
A screenshot of the website for the Centers for Disease Control, which were swamped by a massive wave of traffic following the tongue-in-cheek warning of an impending “zombie apocalypse.” (CDC) Are you prepared for the impending zombie invasion? That’s the question posed by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention in a Monday blog posting […]