GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich is facing more scrutiny about his 2008 global warming ad for Al Gore with former Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. [See Gingrich/Pelosi video here.] [Update: May 16: Gingrich tries new spin, claims he used word he never used.]
On the May 13, 2011 edition of ‘The O’Reilly Factor’, host Bill O’Reilly and guest Lou Dobbs mocked and ridiculed Gingrich’s climate ad with Pelosi and warned it could single-handedly derail his presidential bid. [Note: Gingrich has refused to apologize or recant the ad and instead now claims it was a ‘debate’ with Pelosi.]
Watch Bill O’Reilly and Lou Dobbs discuss Gingrich here.
O’Reilly presented the Gingrich political ad and then quipped that Gingrich and Pelosi “looked natural.” “A regular Sonny and Cher out there. aren’t they? ‘I got you Babe,’” O’Reilly joked.
Former CNN anchor and current Fox Business host Dobbs agreed. “Absolutely. They were made for each other,” Dobbs said.
Partial Transcript Follows:
O’Reilly: ‘Does this hurt Newt Gingrich?’
Dobbs: ‘Without question. If he had said nothing Bill — just sitting next to Nancy Pelosi.
O’Reilly: ‘Just on the couch with her…’
Dobbs: ‘Especially that couch — he would be in real trouble. This is going to be more difficult than any charges about his personal life. This is more difficult, in my judgment, for him than anything else…Gingrich is talking about climate change, he is making clear the implication that climate change is the responsibility of a Republican Speaker and a Democratic Speaker. It is not a smart choice on his part.
O’Reilly: ‘You think people will remember it and hold it against him?’
Dobbs: ‘Without question. And conservatives who are his natural allies, are going to be offended by this [Pelosi] ad.’
Watch O’Reilly and Dobbs discuss Gingrich/Pelosi ad here.
Related Gingrich/Pelosi Gore Ad Links:
Update: Gingrich on radio (Begins at 14:20): ‘I am for incentives for bio-fuels such as ethanol which have a much lower impact on the environment’
Climate Depot Response: ‘Wrong again, Mr. Gingrich. You never once uttered the word ‘incentive’ or implied it was a ‘debate’ on that couch with Pelosi. Please improve your inaccurate spin, instead of continuing to insult our intelligence.’
Gingrich’s spokesman says Newt is ‘a fan of Morano’s [Climate Depot] blog and reads it often’ Politico: Gingrich’s ‘love seat’ predicament with Pelosi — ‘just won’t go away’ — Newt Digs In: ‘I don’t know what we’d apologize for’
Gingrich, the militant greenie? Newt’s book exalted Sierra Club founder John Muir. Gingrich blithely mentioned Muir’s martial law-like view favoring use of the military to enforce environmental law. Disturbingly, Gingrich moved on without ever disapproving the policy’
‘Hogwash, says prominent global warming skeptic Marc Morano’
Gingrich claims Pelosi ad for Gore was a ‘debate’: Morano Responds: ‘Gingrich is spinning the Pelosi ad in ways that defy the English language’
Climate Depot Response to Newt: ‘Please spare us the explanations for your gullibility and poor political calculations. What ‘solution’ does anyone need to ‘offer’ to the alleged problem Gore presents? Please stop trying to spin your low IQ moment with Pelosi and Gore — it is embarrassing’
Update May 13, 2011: Newt Responds to Climate Depot! A Love-Fest is Now Called A ‘Debate’?! Gingrich now claims sitting on cozy sofa with Pelosi in Gore climate ad was actually a ‘debate’
Climate Depot Response: ‘Mr. Gingrich, your obfuscation is simply stunning. In 2008, you sat on a love seat with Pelosi and agreed that man-made global warming was a serious threat that required we ‘must take action to address.’ You gave legitimacy to Gore’s version of climate science. Now you claim you were actually ‘debating’ the issue with Pelosi and Gore. Just how stupid do you think the voters are?’
Morano: ‘Newt Gingrich is arrogant enough to believe that he doesn’t have to play by the same rules as everyone else’
Fox News: ‘Morano has devoted his blog Climate Depot to lambasting Gingrich’
Morano: ‘In 2007 and 2008, Gingrich actually believed that not only was global warming going to be a, ‘winning issue’ … but he actually believed the GOP base was going to accept this. Those are two horrible miscalculations’
Larry Sabato: Gingrich’s views on climate ‘went well beyond Republican orthodoxy. Joining forces with Pelosi will not prove popular with the GOP base’
Newt’s Presidential Bid Getting Trashed, And It’s Due To His Self-Inflicted Green Idiocy: How He Can Recover
Newt Gingrich: Global Warming Guru — ‘He claims to be a conservative firebrand, but when it comes to global warming, he’s almost as liberal as Jon Huntsman’
Will Gingrich recant and apologize for the Pelosi Climate ad?
Wash. Post: ‘Before Sen. John Kerry got a word in, Gingrich conceded that global warming is real, that humans have contributed to it and that ‘we should address it very actively.’ Gingrich held up Kerry’s new book, and called it ‘a very interesting read.’ — Kerry gushed: ‘I frankly appreciate the candor.’
‘Newt Gingrich’s environmentalism problem’
Global Warming Non-existent in Newt’s Home State of Georgia
Rucker: ‘Now that the threat is widely known and the propaganda widely debunked, it is very difficult for the Gingrich’s of the world to wiggle away from past opportunism’
Counter to Gingrich: ‘Yep, the untold billions already being spent developing a (real) ‘alternative’ energy source to replace those that work just isn’t enough. No, it takes the collective wisdom of a team of the best and the brightest — oh, and Congress — to gently minister to unforeseeable breakthrough technologies. Seems so 1960s’
‘And Newt deserves every swat…He’s no less deserving of ridicule today. In the words of some really smart guy: What was he thinking?’
Gingrich Announces Doomed Campaign