Watch Live: Debate between Skeptic Richard Lindzen and Warmist Bob Ryan
Warmists’ Claim: ‘Arctic ice is melting faster than had been predicted’ — But data shows a different story
Warmist Propagandist Bob Corell claims planet to ‘be roasted by 2100′; sea levels to rise 50 meters over time’ (on left with John Holdren)
Warmist Propagandist Bob Corell claims planet to ‘be roasted by 2100’; sea levels to rise 50 meters over time — click here to read Corell’s latest insult to science. Background on activist Robert Corell below: Bob Corell, currently a Principal with the Global Environment & Technology Foundation, is affiliated with former Vice President Al […]
Warmists Smacked by Reality: ‘Temps declining since 2001. Sea level no higher than 5 years ago. Arctic ice growing since 2007. Record winter and spring snow…’
Global warming schemes are ‘wide open to major corruption’: ‘Grants being siphoned off by fraudsters’
Time magazine’s Bryan Walsh: Fossil fuels cause global terrorism
Global warming hoax site for children actually claims that at 500 ppm CO2, the Earth would be ‘uninhabitable for most species’