Watch Now: Meteorologist Brian Sussman Ridicules Claims that Record Cold & Snow is ‘Proof of Global Warming’
Climategate & UN IPCC’s Kevin Trenberth at AMS defends himself against ‘deniers’
Analysis: Obama less interested in climate than Bush: ‘Obama has paid less attention to climate change in his State of the Union addresses than any other president in past 20 years’
Obama — The ‘Denier-in-Chief’: ‘Has skepticism invaded the Oval Office?’
Greens upset at Obama! Grist Mag’s David Roberts: ‘Obama was wrong not to mention climate change in speech’
Lust for Dictatorship: Eco-Mag. Grist Asks: ‘Is China’s Quasi-Dictatorship Better Prepared for 21st Century Than Our Mess of a Democracy?’