Science Wins Again! GOP plans strategy to stymie Obama’s EPA — ‘Would force Democratic Senate to schedule votes on nullifying controversial regulations’
CanCON: UN calls for banning traditional light bulbs across the world to help tackle global warming
Bye Bye!! House committee set up by Pelosi to investigate global warming is being axed!
Bolivia’s double standard emerges in Cancun climate gala — Country ‘is anything but a good steward of ‘Mother Earth’
NYT’s Andrew Revkin: Climate Depot’s Morano is a ‘sort of a mini-Drudge’, and ‘really good at that stuff’, but Revkin is not going to try to ‘out-anger’ Morano
Climate Depot’s Morano named ‘Bad Guy of the Week’: ‘Fox News regular and all round hatchet man, Morano is the denial machine’s ‘Fixer’
EU Report: Economic recovery ‘poses threat to environment’
Finally! Restoring Science in DC! GOP climate skeptics spar over Science gavel; Declare global warming ‘a total fraud’
CFACT features two global warming experts — Dr. Roy Spencer & Lord Monckton — available to media at CanCON
Watch Bureaucrats Gone Wild in CanCON: Despite calls for energy rationing, UN Climate Summit hosts ‘big beachside fiesta’