Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News to discuss UN’s goal of ‘redistributing world’s wealth by climate policy’
Gore: ‘I’m a little depressed about Cancun’ UN climate summit — UN IPCC Chair Pachauri thinks people could lose faith in UN
Cancún UN climate summit: Rich accused of ‘holding humanity hostage’
Sub-Prime Carbon Bubble Has Burst: ‘Carbon jobs are dying’: U.S. Carbon Trading Goes Up in Smoke — ‘Carbon traders are calling to ask me what they should do now’
NASA’s Hansen And Climategate’s Phil Jones Need To Sharpen Up Their Maths
NASA’s James Hansen in 1988: Predicts 5°C Warming By 2040 — Reality Check: ‘We are at the halfway mark in 2010, and temps have been flat for a decade’