Get your Popcorn — Alarmist v. Alarmist: Joe Romm Takes On James Hansen: ‘Romm hates those Antarctic ‘disinformers’, like James Hansen who forecast major ice loss’
‘Here’s an idea: Let’s convince shivering Minnesotans that October snow and windchills in the twenties are signs that they’re overheating the planet’
Well Said! ‘Mann, Ehrlich, and Rahmstorf: What a scurrilous bunch…They’re gravediggers of science’
Paper: ‘Is Green Socialism EPA’s Real Goal?’
Global warming skeptics gather in UK for ‘Climate Fools Day’: ‘There’s no evidence for Co2 driving temps or climate whatsoever in last thousand years’
Gore leaves car idling for one hour during speech; Opts for Swedish government jet over public transportation
Reprinted from CFACT.EU [Update # 1: Swedish Newspaper GT Expressen Has Photographic Proof & Eyewitnesses of Gore’s Limo Idling: ‘Here Al Gore at idle…’Outside stood his car – at idle’ — Gore: ‘I give no interviews’, he says when [Swedish] reporter confronts him.’ Update #2: Gore attempts to deny his vehicle was left idling […]