Gore leaves car idling for one hour during speech; Opts for Swedish government jet over public transportation


Reprinted from CFACT.EU

[Update # 1: Swedish Newspaper GT Expressen Has Photographic Proof & Eyewitnesses of Gore’s Limo Idling: ‘Here Al Gore at idle…’Outside stood his car – at idle’ — Gore: ‘I give no interviews’, he says when [Swedish] reporter confronts him.’

Update #2: Gore attempts to deny his vehicle was left idling despite photos and eyewitnesses: Gore’s denial called ‘either a misunderstanding or a deliberate attempt to cause confusion’ — Rebuttal to Gore: ‘Our post is accurate. The bottom line is this: Al Gore continues to arrogantly refuse to make himself available to journalistic inquiry. Mr. Gore continues to make travel and lifestyle choices that reveal his belief that making do with less is for you and me, but not for him.’]


Frankly Sir, You Are an Embarrassment

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 10:35 AM PDT
By Einar Du Rietz

Al Gore — He did it again.

Recently, Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore toured again. Or maybe he does that all the time. This time, he turned up in Gothenburg (Sweden) for the usual alarmist talk. In advance, all distinguished guests were politely advised to – if possible – use any form of public transportation to go to the event, in order to minimize CO2 emissions.

Intriguingly, the Master of World Climate himself arrived in a rental car (with or without driver is unclear), from the airport, and subsequently left the engine running for the entire lecture. That is to say, about one hour. Incidentally, local legislation prohibits – for very good environmental reasons, i e pollution – any car engine running on empty for more than 60 seconds. Fines are severe. As far as I know, he was not fined.

It starts to form a pattern.

After the ceremony in the Norwegian capital Oslo, it is customary that the laureate is invited to the Swedish capital Stockholm, for a cordial visit. The train ride, supposedly the environmental choice according to Mr. Gore, is approximately four hours. However, he opted for the cosier ride with one of the Swedish government aircrafts. As these can, according to the rules, only be used when a cabinet member is on board – and as the Swedish government after a short ceremonial visit – offered to fly him to Frankfurt (Germany) for his flight to the US, you can calculate both the manpower and the fuel used for this grand tour against man’s destruction of the planet.

Stupidity and hypocrisy – as well as vanity – are, like it or not common human traits. I admit to some of them occasionally, but I don’t demand taxpayers to finance my stupid talks at dinner (yes, I love doing that). Here’s the deal Mr Gore: get out of my way, and I will keep out of yours.

[About the Author: Einar Du Rietz is a journalist and communications consultant based in Europe. He has authored several environmental reports for the Electrolux Group and loads of blogs for the Center for the New Europe at CNE Environment.]

Related Links:

Flashback April 2009: Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing

Flashback: Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About ‘Global Governance’


Flashback: The O’Reilly Factor features Climate Depot on Gore’s path to become the first ‘Carbon Billionaire’

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