Watch Now: Democratic Senate hopeful in W.VA ‘takes up a rifle in a TV ad’ and shoots his own party’s climate bill
Correction: Estimated CO2 Warming Cut By 65%: Update: Mea Culpa: Study finds ‘CO2 can only be held accountable for 60% or less of past century’s warming’
Correction: Peer-Reviewed Research Indicates Only (not 35%) 60% or less of Global Warming Due To CO2
More Holdren & Ehrlich Woes: Environmentalist Stewart Brand: ‘By 2nd Half of Century, the Population Crisis Will Be Seen As Not Enough People’
Eco-Wacko Czar John Holdren in 1969 : The Science Is Settled – Everyone Starving Before The Year 2000 — Turns out we have all been dead for over a decade!
Flashback: Laugh at silly predictions of overpopulation: Climate Depot’s Factsheet on Overpopulation – ‘Is too few people the new ‘population problem?’
John Lennon from the grave makes scientific chumps out of John Holdren & Paul Ehrlich! Flashback Lennon in 1970’s: ‘I don’t believe in overpopulation. It is a myth’