Sub-Prime Carbon Bubble Bursts: ‘Chicago Climate Exchange devalues 50% — new record low’
UK Astrophysicist: ‘The IAC recommend a timid re-organisation of the furniture when what the world needs is the total dismemberment of UN Climate games (the IPCC)’
‘Of course Pachauri should go, but it would be better if he was not replaced and the collective of nations walked away from the IPCC. The whole thing was based on a lie – is based on a lie’
‘But Lomborg was always a Warmist…’ — ‘The ecotard media has been making great play of Bjorn Lomborg’s apparent Damascene conversion’
Media Created ‘Shock’: A warmist is still, er … a warmist! Bjorn Lomborg ‘was a solid believer in man-made climate change, he just disagreed with the methods proposed to combat it’
Flashback 2009: ‘Not skeptical enough’: Lomborg ‘has yet to apply skeptical thinking to the very premise of manmade climate change’ — ‘Where’s the skepticism?’
Flashback 2009: Death Wish: Bjorn Lomborg Tainted By Alliance with Nobel-Winner Who ‘Wished’ for ‘tornadoes’ and ‘a lot of horrid things’ to convince Americans of climate threat!
Climate Depot’s Morano statement: ‘This inquiry into the UN IPCC process by the InterAcademy Council (IAC) is everything the previous Climategate ‘whitewashes’ should have been.’
Round Up: UN IPCC IS ‘FOOL’S GOLD’ — ‘LIES EXPOSED’ – PACHAURI to STEP DOWN? — ‘DUMP IPCC PROCESS’ — ‘Rearrange the chairs’ Paper: ‘CLIMATE CHANGE LIES ARE EXPOSED’: UN IPCC ‘accused of losing credibility after a damning report into its research practices’ FOOLS GOLD: ‘IPCC reports are supposed to be the gold standard…This Discredited […]