Pat Buchanan: ‘Global Warming is now a hoax…It’s a power transfer to governments’
Climatologist: Rise of the Natural Climate Cycle Deniers
Scientists: ‘Hypothesis of dangerous global warming caused by human carbon dioxide emissions is invalid’
‘Who’s a climate scientist? Depends on which side you’re on’
Meteorologist Dan Satterfield Launches Assault on Skeptics! Declares claims are ‘laughable to anyone who understands science’
[Climate Depot Editor’s Note: Satterfield and other promoters of man-made climate fears are reaching desperation time as new peer-reviewed studies, the growing number of scientists, real world data and public opinion continue to turn against them. Satterfield is such a “believer” in man-made climate fears that he approvingly cites the works of Joe (global […]
‘Misleading statements and errors’: Physicist attacks study claiming minimal solar forcing of climate
Professor William Calvin Unhinged! Calls on scientists to use ‘interventional activism’ to combat global warming!
[Climate Depot Editorial Note: Dr. Calvin should consider heeding the wisdom of Dr. Richard Lindzen. See: MIT Climate Scientist Lindzen: ‘Ordinary people see through man-made climate fears — but educated people are very vulnerable’ – July 6, 2009 ] By William Calvin, Neuroscientist at the University of Washington School of Medicine; Author of “A Brain […]