UK Professor: ‘At last real scientists are beginning to show some guts and are standing up to the bullies’
Portland Examiner: ‘Thankfully real scientists are now fighting back. Successfully!’
Laughable: Fmr. Sen. Warner: ‘There’s a building base of evidence that global warming is contributing to much of the instability of the world today’
It is Time for Next Eco-Scare Already? Now plastic waste is MORE alarming than that alleged problem that might end human civilization?
Shock: National Geographic’s Moment of Clarity: ‘Emerging evidence’ reveals ‘rising temps could benefit millions of Africans in the driest parts of the continent’
Update: Scientist Accuses American Chemical Society Editor of ‘censoring of articles and letters’ that reject man-made global warming claims!
Climate Depot Exclusive [Climate Depot Editor’s Note: Longtime American Chemical Society (ACS) member and Environmental Chemist Steven J. Welcenbach, the President of the Wisconsin based Alchemical Ventures, Inc., has released a portion of his private email exchange with American Chemical Society’s editor in chief Rudy Baum. Baum, now under pressure to be removed from his […]
False Claim: ‘Not a peep from Climate Depot about’ About Military Hearings on Climate
Oops, wrong on that one! Climate Depot Flashback: ‘Just When You Thought Global Warming Couldn’t Get More Stupid, In Walks John Kerry’
Reality Check: Climate Depot Flashback: Laughable: Senate warned US military will be ‘dragged into conflict if global climate change goes unchecked’
Earth to Kerry! Sen. Kerry asks ‘Who Lost the Earth?’ — ‘Science tells us our climate and our way of life are literally in jeopardy’