NO DISSENT ALLOWED: Polar bear expert Mitch Taylor barred from conference over ‘extremely unhelpful’ skeptical global warming view

Polar bear expert barred by global warmists

Mitchell Taylor, who has studied the animals for 30 years, was told his views ‘are extremely unhelpful’ , reveals Christopher Booker.

Ap Polar bears Polar bear expert barred by warmists
According to the world’s leading expert on polar bears, their numbers are higher than they were 30 years ago CREDIT: Photo: AP

Over the coming days a curiously revealing event will be taking place in Copenhagen. Top of the agenda at a meeting of the Polar Bear Specialist Group (set up under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature/Species Survival Commission) will be the need to produce a suitably scary report on how polar bears are being threatened with extinction by man-made global warming….

