Update: Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. accepts global warming debate challenge!

Former Colorado State Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. responded to Stanford University professor Stephen Schneider’s May 24, 2009 boast that he could “slaughter” skeptical scientists in a global warming debate. (See: Warming Professor Stephen Schneider boasts he could ‘slaughter skeptical scientists in public debate!’ ) Pielke Sr . May 24, 2009 Excerpt: I would be […]

Flashback: Skeptics ‘slaughtered’? Global Warming Professor Stephen Schneider boasts he could ‘slaughter skeptical scientists in public debate!’

  Professor Stephen Schneider of Stanford University, a prominent proponent of man-made global warming fears has publicly challenged scientists skeptical of warming fears to debate. (Schneider’s public website with bio and contact info is here. ) Schneider was interviewed by Thomas Fuller of the San Francisco Examiner on May 24, 2009. [Update: Former Colorado State […]