Volcano global warming update: ‘The loss of all ice in Iceland would make the volcanoes less destructive’
Could Iceland’s Volcano Slow Global Warming?
We knew it was only a matter of time: Global warming to increase volcanoes!
Aussie geologist Plimer: CO2 is not causing global warming
Which is it? Volcanoes cause global warming or cause global cooling?
Scientists ‘desperately trying…to understand how global warming will affect violent geological activity’
Is African dust the new carbon dioxide?
Aussie Geologist Plimer: ‘At present, the Earth’s atmosphere is starved of CO2…One big volcanic eruption can add as much CO2 in a day as humans do in a year’
Peer-Reviewed Study Rocks Climate Debate! ‘Nature not man responsible for recent global warming…little or none of late 20th century warming and cooling can be attributed to humans’
Updated: See July 29, 2009 Technical Note from Co-Authors A new peer-reviewed climate study is presenting a head on challenge to man-made global warming claims. The study by three climate researchers appears in the July 23, 2009 edition of Journal of Geophysical Research. (Link to Abstract) Full Press Release and Abstract to Study: July 23, […]