Claim: ‘Here’s How We Know Global Warming Made the Blizzard Worse’ – ‘From now on, AGW will be a part of every weather-related event’
Global Warming Heat Not ‘Hiding’ in the Deep Ocean After All
Climate change has NOT affected the abyss: Nasa reveals cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed since 2005
New paper is a huge blow to CAGW: ‘Missing heat’ NOT found in the deep oceans – Published in Nature Climate Change
LA Times: West Coast warming linked to naturally occurring changes – Published in PNAS
‘Changes in ocean circulation as a result of weaker winds were the main cause of about 1 degree Fahrenheit of warming in the northeast Pacific Ocean and nearby coastal land between 1900 and 2012, according to the analysis of ocean and air temperatures over that time. The study, conducted by researchers from the National Oceanic and […]
Global warming blamed for death of California surfer from lightning strike?! – Lightning at Venice Beach? California faces really weird – and deadly – weather
Quotable Warming Hiatus Quotes: Phil Jones 7th May, 2009‘Bottom line: the ‘no upward trend’ has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried.’
Quotable Warming Hiatus Quotes Dr. Phil Jones – CRU emails – 5th July, 2005“The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. OK it has but it is only 7 years of data and it isn’t statistically significant….”Dr. Phil Jones – CRU emails […]
Analysis: Why the IPCC exaggerates greenhouse warming of the oceans by at least 2.5 times
Why the IPCC exaggerates greenhouse warming of the oceans by at least 2.5 times A new paper finds the deep oceans have cooled contrary to alarmist claims of deep ocean warming by Trenberth’s “missing heat” from carbon dioxide. Trenberth’s theory, one of at least 14 excuses for the ~18 year ‘pause’ of global warming, now appears to be dead in […]
Ocean Heat Content -Another simple evidence based rebuttal of claims that missing heat is being carried down to the bottom of the ocean
Ocean Heat Content -Another simple evidence based rebuttal of AGW By Anthony CoxThe latest funny bit of science from the AGW world has been the assertion that the missing heat is being carried down to the bottom of the ocean. Leading lights of AGW science like England and Trenberth have both suggested the mechanism […]
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry levels both barrels against alarmist climate science: ‘There are very few facts in all this’
The loose use of ‘the facts’ in the public discussion of climate change (scientists, the media, politicians) is enormously misleading, damaging to science, and misleading to policy deliberations. I would also like to comment on the ‘good loser’ issue. I wholeheartedly agree with Dyson. In the annals of climate science, how would you characterize Mann’s […]