New Study ridiculed for focusing on ‘climate emotions’ of ‘US adolescents’ – Claims ‘climate change is causing widespread distress among US youth’ – Published in The Lancet By William M Briggs Way, way back I ran a quarter-hearted contest for the Worst Science of the Year. Keeping up with the tsunami of dreck flowing out of academia proved impossible, however. Worse, the peer-reviewed flotsam and jetsam was so nauseatingly noisome I worried reading only bad papers would wreck my mind. So I quit. […]

Claim: Climate Change’ Causes ‘Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’ – The ‘psychological well-being of populations worldwide is increasingly at risk’ By Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. Climate change is a “significant mental health,” warn alarmists, and “the psychological well-being of populations worldwide is increasingly at risk.” Global warming is “reshaping the physical world” and is also “creating significant mental health challenges that threaten the well-being of millions globally, write Urveez Kakalia and Krupa Abraham in Longevity. People […]

Wrong, Grist Mag, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Rise in Authoritarianism

Wrong, Grist, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Rise in Authoritarianism By Linnea Lueken A recent Grist article, titled “Authoritarianism is on the rise. Is climate change to blame?” claims that climate change is creating conditions, like worse storms, droughts, and wildfires, that contribute to the rise of authoritarian governments around the world governments. This is silly from […]

New Report Suggests ‘Whale Psychiatrist’ Trump May be Right About Wind Farms & Whales

New Report Suggests “Whale Psychiatrist” Trump May be Right About Wind Farms and Whales From Legal Insurrection US Bureau of Ocean Management report says whales, dolphins, birds and bats can all be injured by wind turbine construction, and offshore fishing harmed. Posted by Leslie Eastman Joe Rogan’s interview with President Donald Trump certainly covered a wide-range […]

Grist Mag: ‘Authoritarianism is on the rise. Is climate change to blame?’ – ‘Global warming creates fertile ground for political strongmen to come to power’ – ‘Floods, droughts, & wildfires can help autocratic politicians consolidate power’ By L.V. Anderson Excerpt: In November 2013, one of the strongest tropical cyclones in history made landfall in the Philippines. Known locally as Super Typhoon Yolanda, the storm pummeled the island country with 235-mile-per-hour gusts and a 17-foot storm surge; picked up limousine-sized boulders as easily as plastic bottles and deposited them hundreds of feet away; and […]

‘We have emotions too’: Climate scientists respond to attacks on objectivity – Admit to ‘feelings of extreme fear’ & fret over ‘the world’s failure to take sufficient action’ Researchers criticised and gaslighted after sharing fears with Guardian say acknowledging feelings is critical to their work Climate scientists who were mocked and gaslighted after speaking up about their fears for the future have said acknowledging strong emotions is vital to their work. The researchers said these feelings should not be suppressed in an […]

NPR: A new kind of ‘eco-chaplain’ is helping people deal with ‘climate grief’ – ‘Grief, anger & depression’ from ‘feeling that it may be too late to save a planet in deep peril’ – ‘Trump’s election freaked everyone out’

NPR: The eco-chaplain is a 21st century invention, and while no one knows exactly how many there are, chaplaincy experts agree that the number is likely less than 100. There is no universally recognized eco-chaplaincy training, as there is for other kinds of chaplaincy, but a number of organizations offer training from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish and secular perspectives.

Today, there are chaplains working at the intersection of climate, grief and spirituality in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Canada. Most develop their own ways of addressing the issue, from one-on-one therapy sessions to online climate grief circles and in-person support groups. … 

The demand to address climate grief, anxiety and burnout is growing, according to the Rev. Alison Cornish, the chaplaincy coordinator at The BTS Center, a non-profit in Portland, Maine that looks at climate change through a spiritual lens.

On a chilly morning in January, Sustaining Climate Activists gathered in a library conference room. “Just breathe normally,” the group’s co-facilitator, the Rev. Liz Olson, a certified hospital chaplain, said in a soothing yet commanding voice to the dozen people sitting with her. …

They were a band of people committed not only to the same sweeping environmental issues, but also bonded by the pain of realizing their decades-long work to protect the planet had apparently made minimal impact. … 

“Trump’s election freaked everyone out,” said Alan Journet, who co-founded the Medford advocacy group with his wife, Kathy Conway. “Group members wanted a way to deal with fears and anxieties about climate and politics.”

New Book warns ‘a changing climate changes our brains’ – Neuroscientist claims ‘crime rates increasing…test scores lowering’ as ‘climate change’ makes us ‘more aggressive’

Penguin Random House publishing author pitch:  THE WEIGHT OF NATURE: How a Changing Climate Changes Our Brains – By Clayton Page Aldern Just after last Sunday was declared the hottest day recorded on Earth, it was just announced that Monday surpassed it. It’s only going to get hotter—and people don’t realize that not only is our […]