https://eidclimate.org/bombshell-naomi-oreskes-on-retainer-with-plaintiffs-law-firm/ By WILLIAM ALLISON A major bombshell dropped today about the nationally coordinated climate litigation campaign after it was revealed that Naomi Oreskes – the Harvard researcher and well-known “Exxon Knew” activist – is on retainer with Sher Edling, the plaintiffs’ law firm serving as the outside counsel for more than a dozen states and municipalities that have filed climate lawsuits around the […]

Warmist Eco-Author Spoke To AG About Global Warming Skeptics Before Exxon Reports

http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/23/famed-eco-author-spoke-to-ag-about-global-warming-skeptics-before-exxon-reports/ A noted environmental activist met with an attorney general conducting an inquisition against ExxonMobil long before reports surfaced alleging the company hid information related to global warming, a panel at the Democratic Progressive Caucus revealed Wednesday. Eco-author Naomi Oreskes, who authored Merchant of Doubt, a book about the history of global warming skepticism, told […]

Analysis: Warmist Naomi Oreskes ‘Warps History’

Harvard historian of science Naomi Oreskes is best known to climate realists by her 2010 book,Merchants of Doubt and its scurrilous demonization of climate skeptics as paid hacks parroting the fossil-fuel industry’s self-serving opposition to the “consensus view” of man-made climate catastrophe, but that screed doesn’t reveal the flaws in her work. A short, obscure, […]

‘Is Naomi Oreskes Using the Same Merchant of Doubt Tactics She Criticizes?’ she smears fellow warmists as ‘deniers’

http://bigthink.com/risk-reason-and-reality/is-naomi-oreskes-using-the-same-merchant-of-doubt-tactics-she-criticizes Oreskes attacks four world renowned climate campaigners as “deniers” … because they argue that nuclear power must play a role in decarbonizing energy production, and they don’t believe renewable energy alone will be enough to stave off serious climate change. Here’s how Oreskes uses the loaded language of denialism; “A strange form of denial […]

German Magazine Süddeutsche calls Morano ‘one of the most powerful climate skeptics’

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sueddeutsche.de%2Fkultur%2Fmediaplayer-zweifel-an-den-zweiflern-1.2791409&edit-text= Marc Morano, one of the most powerful “climate skeptics” who openly confesses to himself to be a scientist. But: “I play a TV.” The documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner shows in “Merchants of Doubt”, know how masterfully exploit the business of the doubt for their own purposes today the large corporations and political think tanks.

Exxon Hits Back: ‘When it comes to climate change, read the documents’

http://www.exxonmobilperspectives.com/2015/10/21/when-it-comes-to-climate-change-read-the-documents/ Why do we want you to read them? Because you will see that they completely undercut the allegations made by InsideClimate News in its series about ExxonMobil – allegations that were subsequently echoed by activists like Bill McKibben and Naomi Oreskes. What these documents actually demonstrate is a robust culture of scientific discourse on […]