Next UN Report — IPCC AR5 report to dial back climate sensitivity
Analysis: The IPCC’s Upcoming Report Is Mann-Made Cluelessness
‘None of it is new’ — Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels & Chip Knappenberger debunk NOAA’s new climate report: ‘The NOAA report is simply a collection of rehashed stories that have already had their 15 minutes of fame, stories that we (and others) have already commented on, put into perspective, or debunked’
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on World Economic Forum $14 Trillion Climate Plan: ‘It implies that if we spend $14 trillion we can prevent another storm like Sandy’
Click to Watch Morano on Cavuto’s ‘Your World’ on Fox News Channel on January 22, 2013: Morano: The more the green plans fail, the more the green planners plan’ ‘They are talking about ending our ‘addiction to fossil fuels’, well if you are worried about the 1.5 billion people around the world who don’t […]
2012 ranks as 54th in U.S. ‘extreme weather’ events: Feds claim ‘mild winters would be classed as ‘extreme’, which is clearly nonsense’
Oops: After Alaska cooled 2.4 degrees F. last decade, super-scary new federal govt report claims the most dramatic global warming evidence is in….wait for it….ALASKA!!!
Climate change underway in U.S., report says: ‘Already transforming the nation’s landscape & Americans’ way of life, warning these impacts will intensify in coming decades’
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘House Democrats put together report on extreme events/climate. Would get a F in science class, but an A in Creative Writing’
Warmist Democrat Rep. Ed Markey: ‘Carbon pollution is mixing a deadly cocktail of heat and extreme weather that is costing lives and billions of dollars in damages’
Aussie Scientist Declares it’s time to abandon the Global Warming Crusade!’ Warns substantial corruption has ‘become endemic within govt-sponsored climate units’