Poor in India to be denied energy due to climate fears?! ‘Electric grid will accelerate climate change in Sundarbans’– Warned electricity ‘will also accelerate the process of climate change’
‘Electric grid will accelerate climate change in Sundarbans’ Last Updated: Sunday, December 16, 2012, 13:58 The ongoing extension of the electric grid to the remote islands of Sundarbans will not only adversely affect the viability of existing renewable energy projects, but will also accelerate the process of climate change, experts say. “In view of the […]
Consumer Reports: Fisker Karma the Worst Luxury Sedan — ‘Its been 6 months since taxpayer-subsidized ($193 million) Fisker Karma broke down at the test facilities of Consumer Reports’
Nancy Pelosi: Obama can’t control the weather — ‘Whether it rains or not is not in the president’s control’ – Pelosi ‘said the weather is ‘a higher power’ that the president can’t control’
GOP leadership: Carbon taxes are not up for negotiation
Rep. Steve King: ‘Nancy’s Stasi’ Made Me Use CFL Light Bulbs — ‘Whenever I need a bulb, I reach in my bag [of black market bulbs] & I screw it in there & smile. A little bit of my liberty back ‘
Pelosi commercial helped undo Gingrich in Florida: ‘When conservatives see Gingrich with somebody like Pelosi, they go into cardiac arrest’